Production is in full swing over in the Fio Workdomes on T'aun. Shas'O Kias himself is very pleased with the latest model of XV-22 Battlesuit, now upgraded for more agility and grace on the battlefield. While the suit's jet propulsion system is still in construction, preliminary field tests are yielding positive results. 

The Fio'La of T'aun are also proud to announce a new model of XV-88 battlesuit, up-armored with in-built stabilization systems for greater mobility. Advances in particle accelerator technology have also allowed for more compact Railguns without sacrificing particle velocity. Soon these XV-88 Broadside Battlesuits will be deployed of the frontlines of the Tau Expansion, helping subjugate and subdue hostile populations for the Greater Good.

Love them!
The broadside chest targeter unit is really nice and I think you've done a great job working with the pewter of the XV22
Thumbs up.
Always a fan of your modeling and painting, but I think that XV-22 is extra-awesome. Great idea!
What base model was used for the XV22 suit?
I don't recognize it.
@MonkeyLeader, that's Commander Shadowsun with some serious saw work.
Thanks all, now let's hope I can paint them before August 14th.
@Old Shatter Hands, Wow... that's impressive work. Good Job.
Great work !
Looking good! Very inspirational to a novice converter like me.
Do you get a supply of Forgeworld heads from somewhere? I've love to just order Forgeworld bits.
I really like how the Broadside came out. Great work!
(And I do wish there was a way to order just the FW crisis suit heads. Alas, I am stuck with the blocky things they come with.)
Alas, Forge World does not sell bits. The broadside is a combination of two Forge World Kits.
awesome stuff. i look forward to the finished product. i love the broadside and i am surprised forge world didn't just make their standard one look more like this guy its fantastic =)
Man, you really make some sweet conversions. That broadside is badass. can't wait to kill it :-D
Can we get a picture of an arm, but instead of from the shield-side, from the inside?
Had you taken a picture of one before sticking on the model?
@Marshall Wilhelm, I haven't glued them in yet. I'll see what I can do about getting a picture of that side up.
Looking good, keep up the good work! The XV-22 is a nice conversion. Waiting to see how you do the jumppack for it.
Wow, that shadowsun conversion looks great. Also, it looks a lot like Megaman leaping to action, was that intentional?
Those conversions are beautiful! I love the Shadowsun! I was going to be converting one entirely from scratch since I hate the stiff pose of the current model, but man did you improve it! I will totally be picking one up now and doing similar conversions.
Thank you so much for the ideas!
Could you by any chance fit the cyclic ion blaster from the commander set on shadowsuns battlesuit? its a conversion im planning but want to investigate before i proceed
The cyclic ion blaster is a little large for Shadowsun. In fact most of the XV-8 weapons are too large. I used a forge world plasma rifle because it is slimmer than a normal plastic one. You could probably do it if you cut the barrels off and attached them to a stealth suit burstcannon.
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