As a part of renovating my Tau Cadre, I've decided to use Forge World Suits to represent my Crisis Suit Shas'Vres as a bodyguard to Old Shatter Hands. I made some modifications on the jetpack, as I've had this idea of mounting Space Marine Jump Packs to them in my head for some time. Some might say they look too Imperial...I disagree but what do you think? Could they pass as Tau?
On a side note, I'm working on producing another video. I'm thinking of doing a vid about wound allocation and how the rules work when suits are accompanied by drones as I've seen many a player get this wrong time after time. What do you think?
It looks too imperial to me. But then I almost think too many GW "alien" vehicles look too human anyway, the Tau especially. I think anything you can do go the other direction is the key. Although, and this is by no means an insult to your excellent work, I think a lot of players that play Tau tend to think too much of them as being the default "humans of the 20th Century" with all the typical morals and righteousness and advanced technological idealism. In many ways the Imperials with the dark brooding arguably-backwards monolithic structure is the antithesis of typical Western idealism - ironic, considering where the Imperial influence comes from.
space marine parts actually pass as Tau bitz very well.
I used the assault cannon with some tau bits as my burst cannon.
-Adam Hunter
I like it a lot mate!! i really gives the model some more body something he battle suits lack in most cases. It makes him look like a follower of Old shatter hand. Since the jump packs make him look a bit more old school he seems to fit within the mind set of relying on tried and tested stuff :).
I hope this doesn't sound to far fetched but anyway I like the model and can't wait to see you paint it.
Cheers CJ
James- right on. I think I tend to think of the Tau as closer to our current military structure than Space Marines. I'd like to see more conversions go the alien direction as well. Have you seen Shas'El Taels work on Advanced Tau Tactica-it's simply genius.
Adam- I've seen your assault cannon armed crisis suits and I love them! I agree I think Imperial stuff with the icons shaved off make great Tau wargear, even though they aren't alien. Old Shatter Hands sports a Hunter-killer missile as Missile Pod himself.
Cj- Thanks for the kind're right, Old Shat is a stick in the mud and I'm glad this suit demonstrates that. I'm moving forward with my second bodyguard suit kitted out just like this one. Although I've got to get a drone controller on there somehow...keep posted.
I am coming around on this one, it looks a lot better in that picture than it did on your table for some reason unknown to me. With a little tweak here and there, Imperial parts do fit pretty well, like the engine cowling you used as extra-armor on one of your battlesuit commanders. By shaving off the rivets, it looked a lot more T'au than Imperial. Eldar stuff is too fluid for either Imperials or T'au, but maybe some of the IG bits might fit with a little work.
Looks totally Tau to me.
Very intresting and Impressive. I have to say that it looks to me like that would be a good conversion for Vectored Retro Thrusters.
I was thinking the same thing when I made them. I've now got two of these guys modelled up like this. I gotta make a third and I'll be ready to paint the three together. Just finishing up some more fire warriors...
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