Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Old Shatter Hands' Cadre at Black Matt's

Black Matt, fellow blogger and painter, was at the Conflict GT to play and take photos of the armies present. He took some real neat shots of my army set up on it's display board. Here is the LINK for you all to have a gander.

You can see some of my new suits in this photo. You can tell that I haven't quite finished them and I'm currently doing so in the midst of a Ogre Kingdoms Army commission. This commission is really fun but it's eating up a lot of my painting time. It's quite the mammoth project. Although I'm relishing the opportunity to paint ogres, I've really got to mustard the strength to complete it on time.


NockerGeek said...

Very clean work as always. Your army looks fantastic.

Dan (nyhil) said...

The condiment puns are killing me. Your stuff looks great in Black Matt's photos, but honestly, it all looked so much better in person. The sheer size of your display board, with all of the negative empty space, made for a truly cinematic presentation. Damn you and your 6' x 11' board! Honestly though, did you see the IG guy at conflict with the gaming-board sized army tray? Nuts...

tim said...

as always, amazing work.

How are your pre-heresy thousand sons coming along? Here are some pictures of a sorcerer:

Tim said...

Alas, that project has been on the back-burner as I got in a huge commission of late...I expect to begin work again this summer.