Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Competition Entries

The NOVA Open is the weekend and I am likely going to enter these two into their painting competition, Capital Palette. I know some of the other painters and even though I am immensely proud of my work, I'm not sure I can compete with the skill of some of the entrants. Rather, I'm trying to get myself right for a contest...that is, getting that inner peace so that I can simply absorb what the competition really is - a gathering of painters who display their work. I'm going to take it as a chance to network with painters and hang out. 

It's weird when you paint a figure for a competition. You intimately know the model in and out. You know where every little flaw lies. These have some significant flaws. I'm a little disappointed I couldn't deal with some of the flaws in these models when the time was right. Now I must just accept that they are there and make peace with that. 

Totem Bearer
My first entry is called "Totem Bearer." My thinking behind this model is that the dreadnought is a mechanical totem to the Space Wolves' superstitious ways. He forms a mobile shrine to the wolf spirits they worship. So they slapped on two rather large guns so that the Dreadnought can also support their advance and serve as a rally point when things get tough. 

Get Waaagh or Die Tryin' 
My next entry is an ode to Tupac is some ways. When I saw the Ork Kommandoes Nob, I just thought "Thug Life". Then toss in this little grot and the message drives straight home. I didn't like the giant powerclaw arm or the back pack so those were removed. This pic really doesn't depict the model well as the colors are a bit off, but you can get it. 

This ork and his little grot buddy are on their way toward Chiefdom. They are stopping at nothing to get a piece of that Ork-pie and drive a waaagh right into their old enemies. They still have a long way to go though. At least they have the right attitude for it.


Unknown said...

Best of luck at the competition this weekend!

Tim said...

Thanks! I'm going to need it!

17yearoldhobbyist said...

Great minis, best of luck!

G Red said...

Good Luck, and enjoy the day. Still time to enter something from CB, y'know. ;)

Tim said...

Thanks, G. It feels funny to be returning after what happened last year, but I've clearly my schedule so that I should not have to leave before awards.

CB huh? Well, there might be some entries I'm not showing yet...

John Stiening said...

I am really looking forward to seeing these in person. I know what you mean about inner peace. I just want my stuff up in the cabinet next to yours and Dave's. I expect we will both learn a lot. My models are going in flaws first!