Here's what the red-shirts at the Glen Burnie Bunker are doing with the Realm of Battle plastic game board. This is a pricey product and I'm not sure if it is worth it but these guys are making it look really good. They've covered it in static grass and painted the skulls to look as if they are sitting in a pools of blood. If you're thinking of buying this product, it's really only worth it if you've got the modeling and painting skills to make it look good. I'm sure they're having trouble moving this product at 275 dollars. Damn, I wish I had a spare 275 dollars to blow on this thing. I'd model it to Istvan V--a bombed out Imperial world, cleansed by virus bombing during the early days of the Horus Heresy.
That is a pretty cool paint job, but there is no way in hell I am ever buying this. For $300, you could buy a pack or two of insulation foam sheets, some GW vehicle sets, and a GW city set. Then you could have fun shredding the vehicles, buildings, and sprues to spice up your hills, bunkers, trenches, rivers, and plains made of pink foam.
true, this product is really for people with extra money but not that much extra time. Plus you can't really beat the portability of this product. it would be good for gaming clubs that play in multiple locations.
Hey great blog, just found it by way of your 'shameless plugging' on BOLS lol. Really nice stuff on here mate, looking forward to your future progress!
Thanks for checking this out, unforgivengangels. Glad to have you here. Keep posted for more Tau pics and my new blood angels army!
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