Showcasing a model I did about a year ago, following inspriation from Shas'El Tael on Advacned Tau Tactica. I gave him a green, white and black color scheme just to try something different. Parts include bits from Space Marines and Tau Stealth Suits, also some Necron bits if you can find those. In game terms, this guy once served duty as a Ninja O. Ninja O being a Shas'O with Vectored Retro Thrusters, Stims and a Shield Generator (I argued that the extra armor counted for a shield). Basically harasses shooty units by moving shooting, assaulting, then hit and running in the opponents turn to repeat.
Enjoy! Comments welcome.
I currently am combining elements of this miniature with a Forge World Battlesuit to be displayed once painted.
Dude, awesome mini! You should have entered this in Golden Demon!
I may have been asked to say this.
Ha! Thanks, but it's not really GD quality...Don't worry next year I plan on entering in multiple categories. Gotta get started now however...
Wow I really love this scheme. I left you a PM on Advanced Tau Tactica concerning the colors. If you get a chance, drop me a line.
I've seen the same thing on your newer incarnation of old shatter hands, as well as on Tael's work, the armor plates on the thigh parts, where do they come from?
@Tnoussis, that comes from a space marine dreadnought powerplant. it's a pretty expensive piece of kit but sometimes you can find it as a bit sold on online stores.
Sorry this is resurrecting an old post, but how did you get that awesome lime green colour?!
That is vallejo model color: japanese uniform
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