Greetings, Just showing off my latest model. I finished Corbulo late last night. Actually there are a few things I need to add some touches to but you can't see that in this photo :)
I've stuck to codex colors for Corbulo and they came out well. The strong contrast of the white and red, the gold to compliment it. The backpack adds detail to the miniature and bulks it out a bit. I had to stick it to his back with green stuff and superglue as it wasn't a perfect fit.
I prefer plain bases for my models as it keeps the attention on the model itself. My entire Blood Angels army have pretty simple bases. If you do decide to go with a complex and detailed base, keep the color muted so as not to draw attention away from the model.
In game terms, Corbulo really makes Blood Angels infantry work. He leads Death Company and Furioso Dreadnoughts, grants Furious Charge to all with 12 inches at the start of the assault phase, and he can heal one model per turn.
I've also painted Dante in a Black, Yellow and Gold color scheme. I'll get photos of that and post them here soon.
Great looking model, especially the red armour. Could you give a quick run down of the colors you used for the red?
My basic formula for blood angels model. Spray the model with Foundation paint: Mecharite Red. Then spray over with Vallejo Colors: Carmine Red. Wash with Badab Black. Drybrush with Blazing orange. Pick out highlights with Blazing orange...Done!
For characters, I don't drybrush I do some wet-blending.
Nice job on the red.
Fantastic job!
Very nice!
I think this is one of few models which is simple and yet very effective that carries a strong theme. Very nicely done indeed!
Thanks, guys! I've got more coming-Dante and Shadowsun. Would love to hear your comments, especially on Dante as I 've gone with a totally different color scheme.
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