Shadowsun is one of the often over-looked gems of the Tau Empire. Her stealth field, two fusion guns and command-link drone make her a very capable commander if you're leading a force with lots of infantry (and that includes battlesuits). Crisis suits have leadership 8 and have to take leadership tests when their drones die, as per codex rules pg. 31. Plus, battlesuits fall back 3d6" and generally hug table edges so failing leadership test can be a huge loss. Shadowsun's Command link Drone confers her leadership of 10 to any infantry within 18 inches.
Contrary to popular belief, Shadowsun is not a tank-hunter, even with her two fusion blaster. So don't go deep striking her behind enemy lines alone. She should hold back, taking advantage of her stealth field and preventing your troops from fleeing off the table. The fusion blasters are a last defense against attacking forces.
Think of her as an ethereal with some extra kit that actually makes her worth taking.
I have nothing constructive to say about Shadowsun herself, but I will say that the paintjob is absolutely beautiful! I love the greyish silver (NMM?) and the blues--especially the optical pieces!
NMM? Thanks, but that wasn't my original intention. I would have done more contrast for that and more white highlights. Actually I just wanted a gray suit with grime here and there. Thanks for your comments. Blue is one of my favorite colors but I use it sparingly...Optics are fun to paint and look great in the end.
Interesting take on her. She has been on the most effective parts of my army lately. I use her mainly as a booster for my combined stealth/pathfinder squad. Her speed combined with the pathfinders makes for a great escort. Before adding her the pathfinders would be run off the field before they got to tag anything good now it is no problem.
Combine her with some stealths and you have a very durable anti-hoard unit. This can be expensive but sometimes is well worth it.
Not sure she can join units though. Tau codex pg. 47 states that "except when accompanied by her drones, Commander Shadowsun is an independent character." Plus there was an FAQ that stated she could not join units right here: read the FAQ on Tau first page. Sorry to ruin that for you. Maybe if you don't tell your friends, you can get away with it anyway. :P
She is durable that is true. Though only T3, all of her unit has 3+ dave, and 4+ invulnerable besides the command-link drone.
I don't join her to the units, I run my troops in pairs. So no one in the group goes anyplace alone. For me this works better and gives me greater concentration of fire. I her case I position her close the the units to maximize their staying power. Pathfinders will aren't durable enough to handle being shot at and 1 pinning attack can ruin a day keeping her close eliminates this problem.
most definitely, she rocks!
dang! how did I miss this?
That looks fantastic! Makes me wanna pick her up too to complete my collection. Great work!
Do it! it's an awesome model. I picked up a second one at games day.
amazing work! could you plz tell us how you get that grey and green? what colors did you use exactly?
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