My squad-build for this unit is as follows:
1 XV8 Crisis Suit Team Leader armed with Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod and Targetting Array with a Hard-wired Multi-tracker
2 XV8 Crisis Suit Shas'ui with Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod and Multitracker
201 points for the unit.
This build allows you to fire both weapons in a single turn of shooting. With an AP of 2, the Plasma Rifle is ideal for taking out Marines, Terminators and Marine Equivalents (T4, 3+ Save). The Missile Pod has a longer range and 2 shots but only an AP of 4, but is compensated by a high strength of 7. This allows you to target both heavy infantry, light vehicles (AV11 or less) and even blast through side and rear armor of most heavy vehicles.
Some players like to purchase shield drones to accompany the unit for greater protection. This allows you the confidence to move out into the open or even head up the flanks to hit the sides of vehicles.
Because of the relatively short range of plasma rifles (24 inches), I like to deploy these guys in the center of the board and then shift toward a flank as the enemy closes. This allows you a good field of fire.
It's important to minimize the amount of fire that this unit is subject to. It's only 3 models, so protect it by hiding behind terrain or friendly vehicles. With the jet packs' jump-shoot-jump ability, you should be able to lay down steady fire without receiving return fire. Never send them out into the open unless you have shield drones or you are sure they can't be targeted. It's pretty rare that this unit ever even suffers a wound in my games, as I am pretty good at keeping both out of range and out of sight.
They are incredibly weak in assault. They might look strong with 2 attacks at strength 5, but don't be fooled, they can't win combats. Its a small unit, they have WS2 and I2. Only against guardsmen have I seen them win an assault, and that was by a slim margin! If you know your distances and you know what to expect from your opponent, you shouldn't have any trouble keeping them out of harm's way.
The other drawback is the high points cost for BS 3 models. Granted, the leader will have BS 4, but mostly they are poor shots. If you're going to spend the points on this unit, you should couple them with pathfinders for markerlight support. Deploy your pathfinders nearby with a similar field of fire and kill zone. With markerlight support I've seen this unit take out whole squads of terminators, land speeders and necron destroyers, etc etc. Remember to choose your targets wisely, heavy infantry and light vehicles and don't forget the markerlights at home.
One more thing, the jump-shoot-jump ability simply inspires hatred in your opponent so much so that I have seen players go to great lengths just to get a few shots off at them. If the enemy is getting close you can always jump 6", then run D6" and jump 6" away again from an approaching enemy, giving you a max movement of 18 inches. Don't be afraid to forego shooting to keep them alive, if only to anger your opponent more! Mwah-hahaha!
Happy Hunting, Shas'la!
That's usually the configuration I use when facing space marines and it's worked quite well. I've reduced a Terminator squad to 1 man on the turn they deep strike using plasma rifles. Occasionally I'll make the plasmas twin linked to counter the lower BS skill of the crisis suits.
This is a great unit. Don't leave the Tau-va without it.
I just got the tau battle force and I'm loving this idea. Should I use it for my shas'o? There will not be that many vehicles when I play so I was thinking maybe twin linked plasma rifles?
also so someone explain to me the jump6" run D6"jump 6" rule please.. It sounds incredibly useful.
It's a great configuration for a Shas'O or Shas'El...but I wouldn't recommend the twin-linked plasmarifles...there just aren't enough shots. I like dishing out punishment with a handful of dice.
Thank you, I am trying to get a general feel for a army between 500-800 points.But I have so many questions. Like, is it possible to have a Shas'0 with twin linked missile pods, a plasma rifle, a hard-wired multi-tracker and a special issue fragmentation projector?
An army that is 500-800 points would only be hurt by having a Shas'O with all that gear. It's not a legal configuration as you're using up 4 hard points when the suit only has 3. A shas'o like that would consume 25% or more of your points and he just doesn't do enough to justify that. You'd be better off running a Shas'El with twin-linked missiles and flamer (and that's it) at that points level. Sorry, I know everyone like the Shas'O but he's just an overpriced crisis suit...
Thank you. In reference to the 4 hard points, the codex states you may pick 3 battle systems, but it also says you may select from the special issue list so wouldn't that mean you could have 4 weapons? Now with that small of a point game would you recommend kroot, or the shaper, or how about a d-fish for the fire warriors? ... Seriously thanks for all your help
Kroot are definitely a must have in the Tau Army...a unit of 10 Kroot are only 10 points more than a unit of 6 fire warriors, have the same firepower (cause the same amount of wounds) and have infiltrate and stealth when in woods. This makes them great as front line troops. I use them to shield my suits from assaults and to confer cover saves to units behind them.
I sometimes think missile pods are losing their worth with all the Marine armies out there. What is your take on Helios suits? Should I pair a Helios team with a Crisis team?
I still like missile pods and they are fine against marines. They are used to destroy all of their rhinos and razorbacks from afar. Helios is ok, IMO, but suffers from a lack of range. Your local games might have different results though. The best advice I can give is try to magnetize your weapons so you can try all the variations whenever you want.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are Crisis suits not jump infantry? And if so, doesn't jump infantry get up to 12" of movement, rather than the standard six, as you say in the article? That's how I've been playing, so please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
Crisis Suits, drones and stealth suits have jet packs which are different than jump packs. Jet packs move 6 max in movement and 6 max in the assault phase.
Ah, thank you for the clarification. I must have missed over that tidbit in the rules. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
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